Monthly Archive: April 2014

Pond Coatings 0

Installing an EPDM Pond Liner

If you are looking to create a pond on your property, you should consider an EPDM rubber liner. The high quality and flexibility make EPDM pond liners a great choice when installing a pond. The Basics of EPDM Pond Liners EPDM stands for Ethylene PropyleneDiene Monomer, and is a material made from synthetic rubber. Originally, this material was used to waterproof the roofs of flat-topped buildings. An EPDM rubber liner may are made of a mixture of ingredients, which can vary for each EPDM compound. Because of this, certain compounds may be toxic. Despite possible...

pondpro2000 3

What to Know When Shopping For a Pond Liner

When looking to spruce your yard and garden, a water pond is a nice feature. When installing a pond, one of the most important decisions you will make will be choosing the right pond liner. Here are some things to consider as you shop. Before You Begin Chances are if you are looking to install a pond on your property, you fancy yourself as a “do-it-yourselfer.” However, it is important to utilize the proper tools for the job. Instead of using an old liner from a swimming pool or plastic sheeting made for other purposes,...