Author: admin

pondpro2000 3

Become a Pond Pro: A Do It Yourself Guide to Creating the Perfect Backyard Pond

A backyard pond can be the perfect accent to a home and you don’t need to be a professional pond installer to feel like a pond pro. Follow the following steps to create your very own relaxing oasis. Step 1: Plan the Location – Designate the area in which you plan to install your pond. There should not be any jagged rocks or tree roots that could damage your liner either early on or in the long run. A pond pro will choose an area that gets both sun and shade. Step 2: Determine the...

pondpro2000 4

The Basics of Pond Repair

While ponds lose water naturally through evaporation, a pond that has lost more water than normal may have a leak. Ponds may spring a leak for a variety of reasons, from a puncture due to poor construction to invasive animals or tree roots. Pond repair can be a frustrating experience. This guide will help to simplify the process so you can enjoy your water creation once again. Find the Leak One of the most difficult items on the list is first – finding the leak. While you may feel like you are searching for a...

pondpro2000 3

The Benefits of an EPDM Pond Liner

When searching for the right type of liner for a new home pond, it is important to do your research. From flexible liners to concrete and other preformed materials, the wide range of options can be intimidating. One option that allows both flexibility and high quality is an EPDM pond liner. The Flexibility You Want EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer. EPDM pond liners fall under the classification of flexible pond liners, meaning they can be manipulated into nearly any size and shape. Often, one sheet of EPDM rubber material will be big enough...

Fix pond leaks 1

Pond Liner Repair Made Easy

You have a water feature to enjoy the ambiance it creates. However, these ponds require attention and maintenance to keep them enjoyable year after year. It is a fact that pond liners can puncture and cause leaks. If your backyard pond liner has a leak, chances are you can repair it quickly with the following easy steps. You should note that shouldnot need to fully neither replace the liner, nor call a pond liner repair specialist. Leaks are common and pond liner repairs are often simple to make. Find the leak. With a small home...

Pondpro2000 0

Pond Maintenance: Water Filtration And Circulation

When it comes to pond maintenance, choosing the right filter, pump, and liner is absolutely essential in order to maintain healthy water. Not only does the right filter and pump system help to keep water clean but it also ensures proper water movement and circulation and prevents stagnation, which can lead to bacterial growth and cloudy water. Similarly, choosing the right liner, specifically an EPDM liner, helps to prevent leaks and maintain overall pond health. Choosing A Water Pump A water pump can be highly beneficial to a pond and is an integral part of...

Repair pond leaks 0

Understanding and Repairing Pond Leaks

A pond can make a beautiful addition to any backyard. Backyard ponds can be an excellent way to display aquatic flora and fishes and also add a serene, peaceful touch to your yard. However, backyards ponds do require regular upkeep in order to maintain healthy water levels and prevent any damage. In particular, it is important to note that backyard ponds can be quite susceptible to leaks. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes leaks in ponds as well as how to prevent them. How Can You Prevent A Pond Leak? One of the...

pond liner 2

How To Apply EPDM Pond Liner

If you are looking for an affordable, easy, and highly effective solution to annoying pond leaks, a Pond Pro 2000 EPDM pond liner is the answer. EPDM is a form of liquid rubber. Waterproof, UV resistant, and designed to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations, PondPro EPDM pond liners are renowned for their durability. And not only are EPDM pond liners incredibly durable, they also incredibly easy to apply. Surface Preparation: When preparing to apply an EPDM pond liner, the first step is surface preparation. You will need to wash your current pond liner in order to...

pond repair 0

How to Find Out if You Need Pond Pro

Whenever you are losing water in your pond, there are a few scenarios that can cause it to happen. Among the possible scenarios is that you losing water to evaporation, you have a leak in the bed of the pond, you have a leak in the walls of the pond, or something is wrong with your water pump. Of all the scenarios, only if you are losing water from a leak will you need to worry about using Pond Pro. So, how do you discover if you need it? This is a step by step...