Category: Fish Pond

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What to Look for in Fish Pond Sealant

If you’re looking for a fish pond sealant for your pond, pool, or fountain, you need to find one that will stand up to the job. Knowing what features to look for in a sealant is vital to picking the right one. The guide below will help you pick the right fish pond sealant for your needs. Why Pond Sealant Is Important Pond sealant acts as a shield for your pond’s surface. Adding a sealant will help stop water from escaping through your pond’s liner or walls. This will keep your pond at the optimum...

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How to Apply Fish Pond Sealant

Fish pond sealant can be applied to fix or prevent leaks in your pond. With such an important purpose, applying the sealant correctly is crucial. Before you open your can of Pond Pro 2000, familiarize yourself with the steps to ensure you’re confident in the application. Prepare the Surface The surface needs to be clean, dry, and structurally sound for your fish pond sealant to adhere correctly. Don’t use any cleaning detergents on your pond’s walls. Instead, use only water and a soft bristle brush. Make sure the surface has no debris on it that...

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An Introduction to Pond Coatings

Manmade ponds make absolutely beautiful additions to any property – commercial or residential. There are also a number of ways you can customize them, including the addition of various types of fish. However, one feature you can’t afford to do without is making sure that the surface of the pond is coated properly before proceeding with adding the water. In this article, we’ll explain pond coatings so you understand their importance and feel confident in choosing one for your body of water. What Are Pond Coatings? Pond coatings are the chemical barriers used between the...

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How to Safely Move Koi for Pond Repair

Well, it looks like you have a leak in your koi pond. Repairs need to take place, but you have several lovely fish that call the pond home. You can’t very well repair it with them still in the pond, so you need to move them. However, you need to keep in mind that moving the fish from one location to another can be very stressful for them, so you need to be as careful as possible. Koi Stress The fish in your pond are already stressed out because of the leak. If the water...

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How to Choose the Best Concrete Sealer

You have a number of choices when it comes to choosing a concrete sealer. Of course, just because there are a lot of options does not mean they are suitable for the job of sealing your pond. You need to have the best concrete pond sealer for your specific needs. What Should You Consider? As you are searching for the sealer, think about your application. How will you be using it? Since you are getting it to seal a pond, the best concrete sealers for you will be those that are fully waterproof and that...

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Steps to Take During Fish Pond Repair

Are the levels of water in your garden’s fish pond going down more than they should be? If you are losing several inches of water a week, then it is probably not evaporation or splashing that’s making the water vanish. It might be a leak, and that means fish pond repair is in your future. When you take the right steps, you can get your pond back into good shape so you can enjoy it and so your fish remain healthy. Try to Locate the Leak The first thing that you need to do is...

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Benefits of Using EPDM Pond Liners

When you are creating a pond for your yard, whether you are keeping fish in the pond, or plants, or you simply want to have an interesting water feature, you have a number of choices. One of the top options is to choose EPDM pond liners, as they have a number of benefits that can help to make getting your pond ready to go fast and easy. What Are the Benefits? One of the biggest benefits is the fact that the liners are very durable. They can last for a number of years without any...

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Repair Your Fish Pond Liner

If you notice that the water in your fish pond is starting to go down, it is time to check it out and see what the problem might be. Keep in mind that some water loss due to evaporation or splashing is normal. However, when the water levels start to dip further, you need to figure out the problem and repair the fish pond liner before it becomes dangerous for your aquatic friends. Locate the Leaking Area After you check out the pond to make sure that the falling water levels are not due to...