Category: Pond Liner

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Repair Your Fish Pond Liner

If you notice that the water in your fish pond is starting to go down, it is time to check it out and see what the problem might be. Keep in mind that some water loss due to evaporation or splashing is normal. However, when the water levels start to dip further, you need to figure out the problem and repair the fish pond liner before it becomes dangerous for your aquatic friends. Locate the Leaking Area After you check out the pond to make sure that the falling water levels are not due to...

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Complete Pond Leak Repairs as Soon as They Start

When you have a pond in your garden or yard, there is going to be some water loss. This is natural due to things such as evaporation, as well as the potential for some of the water to splash out if you have fish in the pond or if other wildlife visits. However, when you start to notice that the water levels are much lower than they should be, it might mean that you have a leak. If you find this type of problem with your pond, a leaks repair solution needs to be in...

Liquid Pond Sealer 0

EPDM Pond Liner Repair Tips

The goal of a pond liner is to ensure that the water stays where it belongs and that it doesn’t simply soak into the ground. Many people choose to use EPDM liners, since they are durable and they can conform to many different shapes. Of course, even with the best liners, there may come a time when you have to repair it to prevent leaks. When you start an EPDM pond liner repair project, you will need to go through several different steps. Locate the Source of the Leak Before you can start any type...

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What to Know When Shopping For a Pond Liner

When looking to spruce your yard and garden, a water pond is a nice feature. When installing a pond, one of the most important decisions you will make will be choosing the right pond liner. Here are some things to consider as you shop. Before You Begin Chances are if you are looking to install a pond on your property, you fancy yourself as a “do-it-yourselfer.” However, it is important to utilize the proper tools for the job. Instead of using an old liner from a swimming pool or plastic sheeting made for other purposes,...

Fix pond leaks 1

Pond Liner Repair Made Easy

You have a water feature to enjoy the ambiance it creates. However, these ponds require attention and maintenance to keep them enjoyable year after year. It is a fact that pond liners can puncture and cause leaks. If your backyard pond liner has a leak, chances are you can repair it quickly with the following easy steps. You should note that shouldnot need to fully neither replace the liner, nor call a pond liner repair specialist. Leaks are common and pond liner repairs are often simple to make. Find the leak. With a small home...

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Pond Maintenance: Water Filtration And Circulation

When it comes to pond maintenance, choosing the right filter, pump, and liner is absolutely essential in order to maintain healthy water. Not only does the right filter and pump system help to keep water clean but it also ensures proper water movement and circulation and prevents stagnation, which can lead to bacterial growth and cloudy water. Similarly, choosing the right liner, specifically an EPDM liner, helps to prevent leaks and maintain overall pond health. Choosing A Water Pump A water pump can be highly beneficial to a pond and is an integral part of...

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How To Apply EPDM Pond Liner

If you are looking for an affordable, easy, and highly effective solution to annoying pond leaks, a Pond Pro 2000 EPDM pond liner is the answer. EPDM is a form of liquid rubber. Waterproof, UV resistant, and designed to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations, PondPro EPDM pond liners are renowned for their durability. And not only are EPDM pond liners incredibly durable, they also incredibly easy to apply. Surface Preparation: When preparing to apply an EPDM pond liner, the first step is surface preparation. You will need to wash your current pond liner in order to...

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How to Find Out if You Need Pond Pro

Whenever you are losing water in your pond, there are a few scenarios that can cause it to happen. Among the possible scenarios is that you losing water to evaporation, you have a leak in the bed of the pond, you have a leak in the walls of the pond, or something is wrong with your water pump. Of all the scenarios, only if you are losing water from a leak will you need to worry about using Pond Pro. So, how do you discover if you need it? This is a step by step...