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All About Pond Repair

PondPro contains all of the same substances as traditional liners but in an easily manipulated form that enables it to cover any size or shape pond. This flexibility along with an amazing durability makes liquid liner a basic addition to all pond leaks repair kits. As a matter of fact, once you’ve used liquid liner all other means of repair will pale in comparison. Pond repair is almost impossible to avoid since most ponds, reflecting pools and fountains are exposed to the elements and this inevitably leads to damage. Whether it’s rust forming on the...

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5 Years Warranty Of Pond Maintenance And Repair

Are you having difficulty finding that leak. Water levels keep dropping? With a 25 year history of success our liquid epdm pond product; Pond Pro 2000 is your answer. Pond Pro is a liquid version of EPDM very similar to EPDM pond liners sold in pond supply stores. It is a 100% liquid EPDM and 100% compatable to your EPDM pond liner sold in pond supply stores. It works extremely well on all non-porous concrete fountains as well as EPDM fishponds liners. Reflecting pools are another good application for EPDM. These are demanding applications where...

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How to Control Algae in Your Pond

Wondering how to control algae in your pond? You’re not alone. This is one of the most talked about topics among new pond owners. You’ll be happy to know that this is not usually an ongoing problem. Once ponds have the proper balance of plants and animal life, algae typically ceases to be a problem. Installing pumps and filters work initially to prevent the problem and are used continuously to ensure removal of toxins and normal aeration. Selecting the right pump and filter combination usually requires some expert assistance. It depends on the size of...

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EPDM Liners Should Be A Basic For Any Pond Repair

Pond repair kits are a necessity for any pond owner. In order to address the natural wear and tear that results in rips, cracks and holes in pond liners, a handy tool kit can be a lifesaver. But what you keep in that kit can make all the difference and no smart owner should be without some PondPro. It also has a 25 year history of success and backed by a 5 year warranty. Traditional tools for pond repair can include tape, adhesive and rollers for patching together and smoothing over seams and cracks. But even...

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Pondpro2000 that can increase the age of your ponds

Leaks are an eventuality waiting to happen in and around a pond/fish pond. Identifying fish ponds leaks and repairing them can be a thankless task, especially if there is no leak to be found, so first you need to find out the leak. Are you having difficulty finding that leak. Water levels keep dropping? With a 25 year history of success our fish pond liners. Pond Pro 2000 is your answer. It is a 100% liquid EPDM and 100% compatible to your EPDM liner sold in pond supply stores. It works extremely well on all...

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Add life in your pond by using EDPM pond liner

The first and most important step of proper pond management is choosing your primary objective for your pond and understanding the management requirements. So, whether you have a pond or are planning to construct a pond and lining it with a pond liner and protective underlay, installing a prefabricated pond or a natural pond with no man-made intervention, it will require a level of ongoing maintenance. Repairing a liner is possible in most cases with a liquid EPDM material. EPDM is a kind of synthetic rubber. It is liquid until a catalyst is added that...

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Repair your pond damages with Pondpro2000

You can go for a molded lake liner which does not enjoin any pool liners and EPDM liners, but may be classified in situation. Likewise this, it can also be a slight dear. If you are in plans to modify your address along with your pond then this power be of smaller options. If you are in plans of creating a larger, unsmooth pool for your new institution, then try out these 5 tips when purchasing pond liner. Lake liners can fit any size ponds, but there are varied things you can take piece purchasing...

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Extremely best solutions for leaking pond

Pond Pro 2000 is the brand name of the liquid EPDM material. Once it cures it is safe for fish and plant life. Not only can it be used to repair liners, it can also be used to repair concrete, metal, fibreglass and fabric. So if you have a cracked bird bath, fountain or fibreglass pool, the liquid rubber will still work. Pond Pro is a liquid version of EPDM very similar to EPDM pond liners sold in pond supply stores. It works extremely well on all non-porous concrete fountains as well as EPDM fishponds...