How to Build a Liner Pond

Building a liner pond is not hard at all. The pond liners that are available today are strong and durable. The weight of the water helps them hold their shape and even straightens out wrinkles. Here’s a quick how-to guide to help you add this feature to your backyard.

First, you have to decide between an above-ground design and an in-ground design. Above-ground designs are the fastest to construct simply because there is no digging required.

Prefabricated forms can be used to make in-ground, above-ground or partially submerged ponds. The forms are available in many different shapes and sizes. The hardest part may be getting them level.

EPDM Pond liners are still recommended for more of the prefabricated forms. When you are buying a new form, a how-to installation guide and the manufacturer’s liner recommendations should be included.

You can build your own form for an above-ground design out of treated decking lumber or landscaping timbers. The simplest designs are square or rectangular in shape with a maximum length of 10 feet. Longer designs can be created but additional reinforcement is needed to keep decking planks from bowing out from the water pressure.

Landscaping timbers are stronger but more difficult to attach. Rebar spikes driven into drilled holes at the ends of the timbers are usually recommended to hold the timbers in place. Landscaping timbers may also have more splinters than decking planks. While today’s liners are strong, splinters can eventually cause problems.

With a simple square design, all you need are 12 nails and four planks cut to the appropriate length. The open bottom, where your grass is currently growing, will be covered using sand or roofing felt. The roofing felt is neater and many people feel it is easier to use than sand.

Once you have the grass covered and the frame in place, all you need to do is put in your liner. You can use a few staples to hold the liner in place as the pond fills with water. Rocks may also be used for this purpose.

You want the force of the water to push the liner into all of the cracks or crevices. Stapling the edges too firmly in place can actually impede your progress.

Once the liner is in place the next step is filling the pond with water. This often takes longer than building the pond itself. Depending on the size of your design and the water pressure, it might take 12 hours or longer to fill.

If your water is chlorinated, you will need to use a de-chlorination treatment available from retailers that sell pond supplies. Otherwise, the chemical will kill any plants you plan to introduce.

Now, all you need to do is choose your plants and decide whether or not you want fish. The rest of the job is done.

For product information or ordering Visit their site at or call them at 909-752-0220.

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